The Artificial Intelligence section of Lithuanian Computer Society (LIKS-AIS)

The Artificial Intelligence section of Lithuanian Computer Society (LIKS-AIS)

LIKS-AIS with international partners carried out the EU Erasmus+ project:

The Artificial Intelligence section of Lithuanian Computer Society (LIKS-AIS) is a member of the European Association for Artifical Intelligence, EurAI.
So, LIKS-AIS members have the possibility to receive EurAI information, participate in all EurAI activities, access full texts of papers of “The European Journal on Artificial Intelligence (AI Communications)”, etc.;

Lithuanian Computer Society with AI section (through the Technical committee “TK 4 Information technology” of Lithuanian Standards Board) is a member of the Int. Standardization Organization / Int. Electrotechnical Commission Joint Technical Committee 1 / Subcommittee 42 (ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42) “Artificial Intelligence”.

Lithuanian Computer Society with AI section  is  a research partner of the International Artificial Intelligencen and Quantum Technology (INAIQT) Foundation.

And, LIKS-AIS is a supporter of
Confederation of Laboratories for Artificial Intelligence Research in Europe (CLAIRE)

Artificial Intelligence section of Lithuanian Computer Society (LIKS-AIS) currently has about 20 members, mainly in Vilnius and Kaunas. LIKS-AIS is the main coordinating center for exchange of Artificial Intelligence related information through e-mail and at the seminars. At LIKS-AIS seminars Lithuanian (and invited foreign) specialists present their latest research results, practical experience and information from international conferences.

The main directions of Lithuanian Artificial Intelligence research are: Machine Learning, Ontological Engineering, Knowledge-Based Systems, Conceptual Modelling in Law, Applied Mathematical Logics, Artificial Neural Networks, Pattern Recognition, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, etc. The “Artificial Intelligence” topics are presented  and there are some doctoral students of AI-related subjects at Vilnius University, Vilnius Gediminas Technical Univesity, Kaunas University of Technology.

LIKS-AIS was founded on the same year as Lithuanian Computer Society: 1989. On the other hand, it continues the tradition of AI seminars, starded in the beginning of 1980-ies at the Institute of Cardiology in Kaunas (headed by Dr. Gediminas Šerksnys), and later at the Kaunas Faculty of Humanities of Vilnius University (headed by Dr. Eugenijus Telešius). During 1995-1996 the majority of LIKS-AIS members were the members of European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI) through the Finish Artificial Intelligence Society (FAIS).

Since 1997 LIKS-AIS is a member of EurAI [similarly, now 7 Estonian AI specialists are LIKS-AIS/EurAI members, too]. The members of LIKS AI section
– have organised EurAI’s Advanced Course on Artificial Intelligence ACAI-97 “Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems: Integration Aspects” in Vilnius, June 23–28, 1997;
– help organising International Conferences in Lithuania;
– co-operate organising International Conferences abroad:

  • Ai Everything Summit, October 17–21, 2021, Dubai, UAE;
    (previous: March 10–11, 2020 webinar;  April 30 – May 1, 2019, Dubai, UAE)

Seminars of LIKS Artificial Intelligence section:

Date Title Author Remarks
2022-09-19 Aplications of Neural Network-based Natural Language Technologies Assoc.Prof. Dr. Darius Amilevičius (Vytautas Magnus University) Co-organiser of the seminar: VU Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies
Gene Prioritization Using Semantic Similarity Assoc.Prof. Dr. Erinija Pranckevičienė (Vilnius Univ. Medicine F. Inst. of Biomedical Sciences Dept. of Human and Medical Genetics | Ottava Univ.) Co-organiser of the seminar: VU Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies
2019.05.08 Subject Indexing Service for
Creating Indexes of Books and Articles for Authors and Publishers
Vidas Daudaravičius (VTeX) Co-organiser of the seminar: VU Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies
2019.03.28 Disjunctive and conjunctive aggregations in the data evaluation and retrieval tasks Dr. Miroslav Hudec (University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia) Co-organiser of the seminar: VU Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies
2018.06.08 Efficiency of Random Swap Clustering Pasi Fränti (Eastern Finland University) Co-organiser of the seminar: VU Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies
2017.05.22 Flow of Energy from Life to Death: A Mathematical Macrostatic Model Prof. Emeritus Suhrit Dey (Eastern Illinois University, USA) Co-organiser of the seminar: VU Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
2016.10.12 Achieving Quality in Web Services through Metrics Prof. Sanjay Misra (Covenant University, Nigeria) Co-organiser of the seminar: VU Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
2016.09.15 iCub project: Open Platform for Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Research Prof. Giorgio Metta (Italian Institute of Technology, Italy) Organisers of the seminar: National Science festival “Spaceship Earth”, Italian Culture Institute in Vilnius, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
2016.04.18 Advanced digital image processing methods ;
Dimensionality reduction methods applied to digital image processing and recognition
Dr. Paweł Forczmański
(West Pomeranian University of Technology, Poland)
Co-organiser of the seminar: System Analysis Department
of the VU Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
2015.05.15 Oscillations based social simulation paradigm Prof. Darius Plikynas,
Darius Kezys,
Andrejus Cholšcevnikovas
(Kazimieras Simonavičius university Research and development centre)
Co-organiser of the seminar: Kazimieras Simonavičius university Research and development centre
2015.02.02 Presentation of Skillsoft‘s collection of 12000+ books ITPro Modestas Mačiulis
(Baltic Institute for
Leadership Development
Co-organiser of the seminar: System Analysis Department
of the VU Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
2014.06.30 Is Mining Software Repositories – Data Science? ;
Engineering Big Data Solutions
Dr. Audris Mockus
(Avaya Labs Research, USA)
Co-organiser of the seminar: System Analysis Department
of the VU Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
2014.01.24 Can machines understand the Scientific Literature? Dr. Peter Murray-Rust
(Open Knowledge Foundation, University of Cambridge, UK)
Organiser of the seminar:
VU Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics
2013.11.20 Ontologies, Semantic Web and Semantic Search,
Advanced Approaches of Internet Search (in Lithuanian)
Dr. Saulius Maskeliūnas
Organiser of the Seminar:
Consortium of the Lithuanian Academic Libraries for the Maintenance and Development of an Information Infrastructure for Scientific and Studies, VU SCIC
2013.11.08 Collective Intelligence-based
Social Project Management
Dr. Frederic Andres (National Institute of Informatics, Japan) Co-organiser of the seminar:
the VU Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
2014.03.242013.11.04 2. What Innovation Strategy is Best for Your Product
1. Inventive decisions of professional activity based on GB TRIZ methodology
Andrius Žilėnas (Projektų valdymo ekspertai) Co-organiser of the seminar: System Analysis Department
of the VU Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
2013.06.10 Can a machine perform a task intelligently? Then the degree to how much? (abstract, slides) Prof. Akira Imada (Brest State Technical Univesrity, Belarus) Co-organiser of the seminar: System Analysis Department
of the VU Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
2013.04.22 Learning process termination criteria Doc. Dr. Boštjan Brumen (Institute of Informatics, Maribor university, Slovenia) Co-organiser of the seminar: System Analysis Department
of the VU Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
2013.02.25 Oscillations based paradimg for simulation of social systems: oscilation agents and multi-agent systems in the context of coordinated neurodynamic activations Prof. Darius Plikynas (Research Centre of Academy of Management and Business, Vilnius) Co-organiser of the seminar:
VU Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, System Analysis Department
2013.02.06 Hybrid and synergetic intelligent systems for decision support Prof. Alexander Kolesnikov (Computer modelling and information systems department, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Russia) Co-organiser of the seminar:
VU Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
2012.04.16 EMC Greenplum and Greenplum Hadoop practical usage in contect of University research, practical approach using Whiteboarding Mikko-Pekka Bertling
(EMC Corporation, Finland)
Co-organiser of the seminar:
VU Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, System Analysis Department-
2012.03.19 EMC Greenplum: Unified Analytics Platform (Greenplum UAP, Greenplum HD, Greenplum Chorus) Gintaras Pelenis (EMC Technology consultant, Baltic countries) Co-organiser of the seminar:
VU Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, System Analysis Department
2012.03.05 Phenomenography and Variation Theory Anna Eckerdal
(Uppsala University, Sweden)
Co-organiser of the seminar:
VU Institute of Informatics and Mathemacs,
Informatics Methodology Department
2012.01.05 Approximating shortest paths on large graphs: Algorithms, Systems, Applications Andrey Gubichev (Technische Universität München, Germany) Co-organiser of the seminar:
VU Institute of Informatics and Mathematics,
System Analysis Department
2010.10.29 Immersive Technologies and
the Future of Learning and Development
David Wortley (Director, Serious Games Institute, Coventry University Enterprises Ltd) Co-organiser of the seminar:
Vilnius University Faculty of Informatikcs and Mathematics
2009.10.19 Structural Equation Modeling Raimundas Vaitkevičius (Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas) Co-organiser of the seminar:
System Analysis Dept. of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
2009.04.20 Spike timing dependent plasticity to make robot navigation more intelligent /
Is AI always intelligent?
[presentation slides]
Prof. Akira Imada (Brest State Technical University, Belarus) Co-organiser of the seminar:
Visoriai IT business / science / studies joint seminar
2009.04.15 Technology Enhanced Learning Danail Dochev
(AI – Knowledge Processing Dept., IT Institute, Bulgarian Ac.of Sc.)
Co-organiser of the seminar:
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
2008.05.26 Classification and attribute selection tasks which can be solved with linnear programming method Erinija Pranckevičienė (Multimedia Engineering Dept., Kaunas University of Technology) Co-organiser of the seminar:
System Analysis Department of IMI
2008.03.12-15 Computer Support for
Knowledge Management

Dr. Franz Kurfess(CSC Dept.,CalPoly, USA) Co-organiser of the seminar cycle:
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Vilnius University.Supported by EU Structural Funds project InMaDra
2007.05.25 Modelling Artificial Consciousness Suhrit Dey (Professor of Mathematics, Eastern Illinois Univeristy, Charleston, USA) Co-organiser of the seminar:
IMI Software Engineering Deptartment
2006.02.15 Discussions on Short dictionary of main terms in Knowledge Technologies Saulius Maskeliūnas (IMI, SED) Co-organiser of the seminar:
IMI Software Engineering Department
2005.09.12 Impressions from the
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI-05
andEurAI Advanced Course on Knowledge Discovery ACAI-05
Gintautas Dzemyda (IMI),Olga Kurasova, Jolita Bernatavičienė (IMI) Co-organiser of the seminar:
IMI System analysis department
2005.05.24 Meditation and Stress Management Prof. Suhrit Dey (Eastern Illinois University, USA) Co-organiser of the seminar:
2004.08.30 Open Coding Innovation: A Roadmap to socially responsible, sustainable economic and technological growth George N. Dafermos (Crete, Greece)
2004.04.14 Ontology Engineering Saulius Maskeliūnas (IMI) Organised as the Theoretical management seminar
of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
2004.03.26 Ussage of Matrix Combinatorics for Sorting of Automatons and Investigation of Classes of NP and P Automatons
User Authentication and Information Exchange by Speech and Location Information in Mobile Systems
Andrius Kulikauskas
(University of California, San Diego, USA)  and
Emad El-Deen El-Akehal (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
2003.09.10 Sparse multifocal stimuli and FDT perimetry for the detection of multiple sclerosis Rasa Ruseckaitė (Centre for Visual Sciences, Research School of Biological Sciences, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia) Co-organiser of the seminar:
Recognition Processes Department of the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
2003.04.17 The use of ontologies in information systems Saulius Maskeliūnas (Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Vilnius) Co-organiser of the seminar:
Chamber of Scientists of the Lithuanian Academy of Science
2003.03.19 ISO/IEC 15938 standard:
Multimedia Data Description Interface
Erinija Pranckevičienė (Kaunas University of Technology)
2003.02.06 Introduction to Evolutionary Computations (Summary) Akira Imada (Japan/Belarus) Co-organiser of the seminar:
Synergetic Brain Science Research Center, Vilnius

Leaders of LIKS-AIS currently are: