About Lithuanian Computer Society

About Lithuanian Computer Society

What is LIKS

Lithuanian Computer Society (the abbreviation, used further in the text, is LIKS) is a voluntary and independently acting social association of computer and software users, specialists and amateurs in informatics and computer science.
LIKS acts according to the Constitution of the Lithuanian Republic, to the Law of social organizations and other laws of the Republic, to the decisions of the Lithuanian Government; LIKS activity is based on the Statute.

The Constituent Congress of the LIKS took place on September 19-21, 1989. Officially LIKS was registrated on January 29, 1990. The headquarters of LIKS are in the capital of Lithuania Vilnius.


LIKS aims at:

  • stimulating progress of computerization and development of informatics as a perspective and important
    modern science and industry branch in Lithuania;
  • forming the opinion of the society and the Government on questions of the use and management of the state’s
    information resources and information technologies;
  • taking care of the preparation and improvement of the professional skills of specialists and users in computers
    and informatics; taking care of teaching informatics and computers in the general education schools;
  • stimulating and supporting professional contacts and exchange of the urgent problem domain information,
    developing internal and international contacts and relationships;
  • raising professional ethic of LIKS members, helping them in defending their author’s rights, representing
    professional and author’s interests of Lithuanian computer specialists both in Lithuania and abroad.


Lithuanian Computer Society:

  • organises meetings, conferences, discussions, seminars, courses, training, camps and other relevant events or
    supports their organization;
  • proclaims competitions and contests, appoints LIKS premiums, stipends, presents candidates for receiving
    state and other premiums;
  • issues periodical, continued and one-time editions, disseminates new information, informs society about LIKS
    activity using mass media and other means;
  • maintains contacts and co-operates via contracts with different social, state, and private organizations in
    Lithuania and abroad, which have common aims in their activities;
  • by its own initiative or on the basis of contracts and orders organises professional events, executes authorial
    examinations, develops original projects, software and other authorial products, important to computerization
    and development of informatics in the state.


Any citizen of Lithuania, who contributes to the development of computerization in Lithuania and acknowledges LIKS Statute may become a member of LIKS.
Presently Lithuanian Computer Society has over 400 members.


LIKS activities are directed by:

  • the Congress,
  • the Council,
  • the Management Board which is the executive body of LIKS.


LIKS is known widely in Lithuania as:

  • organiser of biennial forum “Kompiuterininku dienos” and publisher proceedings of it;
  • organiser of seminars for artificial intelligence;
  • organiser of workshops for informatics teachers;
  • expert and creator of original software and projects for information management.


Since 2001 the Lithuanian Computer Society is a member of
the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP)
[membership fee is supported by the Research Council of Lithuania]
Since 1996 the AI section of Lithuanian Computer Society is a member of
the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI)
[membership fee is supported by the Research Council of Lithuania]
Since 2020 the Lithuanian Computer Society is a research partner of
the International Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Technology (INAIQT) Foundation
Since 1998 the Lithuanian Computer Society is a member of
the Technical committee „TK 4 Information technology“ of
Lithuanian Standards Board [which represents Lithuania within International Standardization Organization (ISO) / International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) , European Committee for Standardization (CEN)European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC)]
Since 1994 the Lithuanian Computer Society is a member of
the National ICT Industry Association INFOBALT
Since 2013 the Lithuanian Computer Society (with “ECDL Lithuania”) is a stakeholder of
the National Digital Coalition  for the Promotion of Digital Skills for Jobs in Lithuania
Since 2004 the Lithuanian Computer Society is a partner of
the International Challenge on Informatics and Computational Thinking BEBRAS
Since 2003 the Lithuanian Computer Society is a member of
the Association on Information Technology in Central, Eastern and Southern Europe (IT STAR)
2000–2020 the Lithuanian Computer Society was a member of
the European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) Foundation
CEPIS Logo 1998–2018 the Lithuanian Computer Society was a member of
the Council of European Professional Informatics Societies (CEPIS)
[currently the membership is suspended]